The Best Deer Whistles for Cars: Helping You Avoid Deer While Driving!

The Best Deer Whistles for Cars!

Today we will be helping you chose from the best deer whistles for cars. One of the biggest hazards on the road aside from texting teenagers are deer! They are responsible for accidents, deaths, and plenty of damage. Check out State Farm’s US map to see the likelihood of a deer collision in your state. … Read more

The Best Deer Resistant Plants: Here Are Some Plants That Deer Don’t Like!

The Best Deer Resistant Plants

Deer can do quite a number on your desirable plants. Rather than fending them off with deer repellents, it’s much easier to use plants that deer don’t like from the get-go. As a result, they should stay far away from your gardens and yards! In the long-run, choosing deer repellent plants will save you a considerable … Read more

The Best Deer Fences for Gardens and Yards!

The Best Deer Fences

Today we will be showing you some of the best deer fences for gardens and yards! We always advise trying an electronic or natural deer repellent as a first line of defense. However, deer can be awfully resilient and the only answer may be a physical barrier such as a deer fence. Most of the fencing material found … Read more

The Best Deer Netting for Gardens: Stop Deer from Eating Plants!

The Best Deer Netting

Deer netting is an essential tool to stop deer from eating plants in your garden. It envelops your desirable plants to shield them from foraging deer. Netting is similar to deer fencing in that it creates a physical barrier between the deer and your plants. However, netting usually pertains to the protection of individual plants rather … Read more

Repellex Systemic Deer Repellent Tablets Review: A Unique Way to Repel Deer!

Repellex Systemic Deer Repellent Tablets Review

Wouldn’t it be nice to not have to treat your plants every month with sprays or build a fence around your garden? That is exactly what Repellex Systemic Deer Repellent Tablets hope to accomplish. Instead of treating your plants with sprays or granules, this product is placed into the soil next to your desirable plants. The active ingredient … Read more